Nos Services

Expertise immobilière et état des lieux personnalisés pour vos besoins spécifiques.

Expertise immobilière

Nous réalisons des expertises précises pour évaluer la valeur de vos biens immobiliers.

A residential street lined with brick houses stretches into the distance under a partly cloudy sky. A large tree without leaves stands tall on the right side, casting long shadows on the wet pavement. For sale signs are visible in front of the houses, indicating real estate activity. The sunlight filters through the branches, creating a serene atmosphere.
A residential street lined with brick houses stretches into the distance under a partly cloudy sky. A large tree without leaves stands tall on the right side, casting long shadows on the wet pavement. For sale signs are visible in front of the houses, indicating real estate activity. The sunlight filters through the branches, creating a serene atmosphere.
État des lieux

Nous effectuons des états des lieux détaillés pour garantir la transparence lors des transactions immobilières.

An old wooden house with a brown tiled roof stands in front of two modern high-rise apartment buildings. The house has a weathered appearance with a small window, and there is a 'for sale' sign on the side. The modern buildings behind are much taller, with multiple balconies and windows. The sky is a clear blue.
An old wooden house with a brown tiled roof stands in front of two modern high-rise apartment buildings. The house has a weathered appearance with a small window, and there is a 'for sale' sign on the side. The modern buildings behind are much taller, with multiple balconies and windows. The sky is a clear blue.
Évaluation immobilière précise

Expertise pour tous types de biens immobiliers.

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A suburban house with a brick facade and double garage doors. The roof is dark, and there are several bare trees and green bushes surrounding the property. A for sale sign is visible on the front lawn.
A suburban house with a brick facade and double garage doors. The roof is dark, and there are several bare trees and green bushes surrounding the property. A for sale sign is visible on the front lawn.
État des lieux d'entrée et/ou sortie complet

Rapport détaillé sur l'état du bien ainsi qu'un reportage photo

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Découvrez nos services d'expertise immobilière et d'état des lieux.

État des lieux d'entrée et/ou sortie avant travaux et après travaux

Rapport précis avant et après travaux accompagné d'un reportage photographique complet

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Aerial view of a house surrounded by a well-maintained lawn and trees, with a car parked on a curved driveway. The property is bordered by a straight road on the right, with shadows cast by a row of trees lining the road. The landscape includes various greenery and appears to be in a rural or suburban area.
Aerial view of a house surrounded by a well-maintained lawn and trees, with a car parked on a curved driveway. The property is bordered by a straight road on the right, with shadows cast by a row of trees lining the road. The landscape includes various greenery and appears to be in a rural or suburban area.
A modern, single-story house with clean lines and a contemporary design. The facade features large windows and a wooden double door entry. The house is accented by stone details and illuminated by exterior lighting. The sky is a deep, twilight blue with hints of purple. A well-manicured lawn and a 'For Sale' sign are visible in the foreground.
A modern, single-story house with clean lines and a contemporary design. The facade features large windows and a wooden double door entry. The house is accented by stone details and illuminated by exterior lighting. The sky is a deep, twilight blue with hints of purple. A well-manicured lawn and a 'For Sale' sign are visible in the foreground.
État des lieux d'entrée et/ou sortie meublé

Rapport détaillé sur l'état du bien ainsi qu'un reportage photo mais également un rapport complet de l'état des meubles loués avec le bien

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État des lieux non meublé

Rapport d'état pour biens non meublés.

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Évaluation après travaux

Expertise de l'état après la réalisation des travaux.

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Expertise Immobilière

Nous offrons des services d'expertise immobilière de qualité supérieure.

État des lieux

Nous réalisons des états des lieux d'entrée et de sortie, avant et après travaux, meublé et non meublé le plus précisément possible afin d'éviter tout problème lors de la sortie et/ou de la rentrée du/des locataire(s)

A semi-detached house with a brown pebble-dash exterior and white-framed windows stands in the middle of the image. The backyard appears to be under construction or renovation, with building materials such as bricks, wood pallets, and tarps scattered across the lawn. A garage or carport area to the left is partially covered and houses some construction equipment. A wooden fence borders the right side of the property, and the grass shows signs of recent activity.
A semi-detached house with a brown pebble-dash exterior and white-framed windows stands in the middle of the image. The backyard appears to be under construction or renovation, with building materials such as bricks, wood pallets, and tarps scattered across the lawn. A garage or carport area to the left is partially covered and houses some construction equipment. A wooden fence borders the right side of the property, and the grass shows signs of recent activity.
Services Divers

Nous proposons des services variés afin de satisfaire tous les besoins de nos clients.

Expertise - Etat des lieux - vente immobilière - visite de bien - gestion de vos biens - location